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V38.1.2 | Compas Maintenance | Release Notes


  • All the developments and fixes detailed in the release notes are implemented across all customer environments. However, depending on your company's settings and permissions, certain features may not be accessible or relevant.
  • If new features and tables are introduced for onboard applications, they may be exclusive to the onboard cloud.

šŸŽ‰Enhancements and New Features


  • The standard Claims API has the provision to include an additional field called ā€œClaim Locationā€ and selects the value from the following.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [ELIGIBLE CREW FOR TRAINING EVENT ENHANCEMENTS (PART III)]

  • When checking the eligibility for a training course, the system now shows the medical icon if a medical event closed date is present but has a future date.
    • The medical icon is shown against the crew in the Eligible for Training Crew List.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)/COMPAS ONBOARD] [NEW NOTIFICATION ADDED TO ALERT IF MANDATORY INFORMATION IS MISSING ON A CREW MEMBER BEFORE SENDING FLIGHT REQUEST]

  • Notifications have been added to alert if any planned officer has not met the minimum mandatory fields updated in the system (prior to sending the flight details).
    • The minimum mandatory fields include:
      • Passport
      • Seaman book
  • A missing or expired passport or seaman book will show a red icon.
  • A valid passport or seaman book will show a green icon.

Compas Cloud (Office)


Compas Onboard


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [IMPLEMENTATION/API END POINT FOR SPLITTING FLIGHT REQUEST]

  • Travel agents can split a flight request using the API end-point.
    • There are 2 API messages generated, split request from and to.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [SEAFARERS DETAILED MOVEMENTS]

Show only crew onboard tick box

  • A tick box labelled 'Show only crew onboard' has been added, allowing you to filter only crew onboard movements.
  • Once this box has been checked, all movement types configured as on vessel will be picked up.
    • Note: This is only available when "All" has been selected for the DDL movement type. If another movement type (such as on leave or travel etc.) has been selected, this additional tick box will not appear.

Show vessel account number

  • A tick box labelled 'Show vessel account number' has been added, allowing you to view the vessel account number in the report.
  • Vessel account column should be added in report and downloaded excel if tick box been checked.
  • The new column has been included after the vessel flag column.
    • Note: If the tick box has not been selected, the new column will not be included in both the report and downloaded excel file.



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [CBA CATEGORY | SHOULD BE AN OPTIONAL FIELD AND NOT MANDATORY]

  • When creating a CBA entry, the CBA category is now an optional field, and not mandatory.



šŸ› ļøBug Fixes


  • Issue:
    • An exception error was appearing for the following two scenarios:
      • When clicking the ā€˜Pending Allotmentsā€™ number on the Contribution process report. (Payroll | Filipino allotment | Process contributions (Contribution overview) | Pending Allotments | Click number)
      • When clicking the Payroll Overview icon. (Payroll | Payroll overview | Click icon)
  • Outcome:
    • These issues have been fixed. 



  • Issue:
    • Previously, when there was a PFA voluntary contribution created for a crew, the values were not registered on the SKAT report.

  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [MOVEMENTS AUDIT TRAIL DID NOT SHOW CORRECT DATA]

  • Issue:
    • The system did not respect the order in which the actions were taken by different users and display them accordingly.
    • The movements audit trail did not pick up all data correctly such as ā€œVesselā€, ā€œTo Portā€, ā€œReasonā€, ā€œUserā€, and ā€œEdit Dateā€ 
    • The system did not check if all remaining columns of the Movements Audit picked up the correct data as per:
      • User actions
      • Sequence of actions
      • Fix the same if any issue found
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [CHANGES APPLIED FOR ONE CREW APPEAR ON DOCUMENT HISTORY FOR ANOTHER CREW]

  • Issue:
    • Previously, in the document verification log, details of a different crew would appear from Compas even if their (CID) information had not been uploaded.
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [SYSTEM UNABLE TO GENERATE BACKPAY ANALYSIS REPORT]

  • Issue:
    • The Backpay Analysis Report was not generating data and an error message appeared.
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [E-APPROVAL WORKFLOW FAILS TO TRIGGER FOR NEW EMPLOYEES]

  • Issue:
    • When selecting a new employee with no onboard movement and trying to add an e-approval workflow, an error appeared.
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [ALL PAY SLIP TYPES ARE SHOWN IN COMPASS CSS]

  • Issue:
    • In Compass CSS, on the Payroll tab, all payslip types were showing. (The payslip type should only reflect the chosen parameter value which is simplified.)
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [DOCWIZ INSERT MERGE FIELDS ISSUE]

  • Issue:
    • Previously, when clicking the master table after 1 merged field has been inserted, the master table became unselected.
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[COMPAS CLOUD (OFFICE)] [INCORRECT NUMBER OF ONSIGNERS AND OFFSIGNERS APPEARING]

  • Issue:
    • On the Planned Event page, the incorrect number of Onsigners and Offsigners appeared.
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.


We appreciate your continued partnership and welcome any feedback you have on this latest update. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

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