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V36.9.1 | Compas Maintenance | Release Notes

🚀What's New in Version 36.9.1?

We are pleased to announce Compas Maintenance Version 36.9.1. This includes a series of enhancements and bug fixes aimed at improving efficacy and functionality.


  • All the developments and fixes detailed in the release notes are implemented across all customer environments. However, depending on your company's settings and permissions, certain features may not be accessible or relevant.
  • If new features and tables are introduced for onboard applications, they may be exclusive to the onboard cloud.

🎉Enhancements and New Features


  • The FS3 Information and SSC and Maternity Fund reports have been added.


The calculation of taxes in Malta falls outside the capabilities of the Compas system; however, reporting is feasible.

Reproduction steps:

FS3 Information

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Malta payroll dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the Reports dropdown menu.
  5. Click on the FS3 Information menu item.
  6. Verify the following:
    1. Users should see one record for each employee with the tax information of the FS3.
    2. The Payer PE No. should be the same for every crew.
    3. Users should see the Payee's ID Card/IT Reg.No. and Payee's Social Security No. (If it has not been updated, the column should be empty.)
  7. Click the CSV icon to download the FS3 information file (pppppF3.yy - “ppppp” represents the PE number and “yy” is the relevant basis year).
  8. Verify the downloaded output type is a .txt file.

SSC and Maternity Fund Information

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Malta payroll dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the Reports dropdown menu.
  5. Click on the SSC and Maternity Fund Information menu item.
  6. Verify the following:
    1. Users should see a record for each SSC and Maternity Fund Transaction for each employee. 
    2. The Payer PE No. should be same for every crew.
    3. Users should see the Payee's ID Card/ IT Reg.No. (If it is not updated, the column should be empty.)
  7. Click the CSV icon to download SSC and Maternity Fund information file (pppppSS.yy -“ppppp” represents the PE number and “yy” is the relevant basis year).
  8. Verify the downloaded output type is a .txt file.



  • This report can be used to reconcile annual submissions at company level.
  • This report can be generated at the beginning of the next year (Jan-Feb) for contributions from the previous year. 


The calculation of taxes in Malta falls outside the capabilities of the Compas system; however, reporting is feasible.


Compas Parameter Setting

  • Key: Default_Reporting_MO
  • Value: {Manning Office ID}

Configure Test Data

(Accounts Settings)

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Admin dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Admin panel menu item.
  4. Under the General heading, click on the Providers Configuration menu item.
  5. On the relevant entry, click on the book icon to view the provider details. (Manning Office)
  6. Click on the Bank Accounts tab.
  7. Click the (+) Add icon to add an entry.
    1.  Bank
    2. Account
    3. Country
    4. Currency

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Malta payroll dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the FS7 report menu item.
  5. In the Year dropdown menu, select the year and click Download.

















  • Without passing the vessel code, all vessel data is loaded so the different antenna of vessel data appears. (For example: 1304, 1304-OLD, 1304-NEW etc.)
  • While entering the data into InfinityPurchasedTransactions, the system only considers the first four numbers and matches with the Compas vessel accounting code.


  1. Log into Compas.
  2. Check InfinityEnabled.
    1. Compas Parameter 'EnableInfinityInterface' set to â€˜Y’.
  3. Perform the infinity configuration.
    1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
    2. Click on the Admin dropdown menu.
    3. Click on the Admin panel menu item.
    4. Under the Infinity Interface heading, click on the Configuration menu item.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Enable Infinity API Scheduled Jobs.
    1. InfinityExtractJob
  3. Open Hangfire Recurring.
  4. Trigger InfinityExtractJob.
  5. Validate data extracted in database for Table InfinityPurchasedTransactions.



  • The ability to import the results of the tax calculations from multiple countries (calculated outside of Compas) into Compas and produce a yearly tax overview statement for each crew member is now available in CSS.
  • The tax overview document can be generated and made available to crew in CSS and office module to get the report per crew.


The calculation of taxes in Malta falls outside the capabilities of the Compas system; however, reporting is feasible.

Compas Cloud (Office)

  • Parameter: Year & Crew [Also to enable the other filters to get the crew list]
  • Output Type: PDF File Name: crewcode_tax_overview_yyyy.pdf [YYYY is year which selected for report generation]
  • When a user clicks on view report, an HTML version of the report will open in a new page. This contains an option to download in PDF.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Malta payroll dropdown menu.



  • The ability to generate a tax allocation report with flexible month intervals has been added.
  • In certain jurisdictions, for example, Brazil, there are regulatory requirements to present the jurisdiction exposure tax liable days/taxable for the last 12 rolling months. 
  • The current date range filter is restricted to the configured tax year only.
  • when user selecting the Report type as “By Tax year“, the financial year should have the latest tax year selected by default and user can change it if they wish to generate for different filter.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Reports dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the Tax allocation report menu item.
  5. Select the report type as “By Tax year”.
  6. Verify that financial year combo is editable when ​user select any option from the list.
  7. Verify new report type “By tax rolling year”.
  8. Verify that the filter allows pulling the report on flexible month intervals.



  • On Cabin Allocations new filter feature for Occupancy filter. The date selector is in a date format which is not compatible with COMPAS design. The standard date format is dd/MMM/yyyy (e.g.: 30/Sep/2024).
    • Date format on selector is corrected to dd/MMM/yyyy (e.g.: 30/Sep/2024)
  • On Cabin Allocations Main Page - the concatenation of the shift into the name ribbon requires a space between the name and the shift data.
    • Space is entered between concatenated data on the Cabin Allocation Ribbon

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Onboard.
  2. Click on the Home dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Cabin allocation menu item.



  • Based on the CPF flag (Yes or No), the calculations should be considered based on the CPF flag (Yes or No) maintained in the seafarer profile.
  • When the CPF flag is set as No, the system should not calculate CPF for ordinary wage or additional wage for both Employer and Employee contributions.
  • Whether the CPF/EPF flag is set as Yes or No, the CPF/EPF number field should be retained and allow users to edit and update the data.


  • The crew tax regime should be Singapore.
  • The crew payroll should be closed.
  • Ensure the crew paid with wage elements are configured as AW or OW. (This can be configured through the wage matrix.)

Reproduction steps:

Part 1

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Crew dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Personal details dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the Reports dropdown menu.
  5. Click on the Crew by owner pool menu item.
  6. Click on the required user Code.
  7. Click on the Personal tab, then, the Additional Information tab.
  8. Click the + Add icon.

Part 2

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Payroll overview menu item.

Part 3

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Tax overview menu item.



  • The following changes have been made to structure and mapping.
  • SEPA File: The bank file now follows the below structure for debtor and creditor information.

Creditor Mapping

  • Country <Ctry>: This will be mapped from the Compas beneficiary bank country.
  • Address Line <AdrLine>: This will be mapped from the Compas beneficiary address line 1.
  • Address Line <AdrLine>: This will be mapped from the Compas beneficiary address line 2.
  • The Address Line XML tag has a max of 35 characters each. Any characters above 35 will be ignored when processing the bank file, however, it will not fail the file. All characters over 35 should still be added into the bank file.  

Debtor Mapping

  • Ctry: Compas “Country” Field
  • AdrLine (first one): Compas “Address” Field
  • AdrLine (second one): Compas “Zip Code” + “,”  + “City” Field
  • The Debtor account logic for the BNP file has been updated.
  • The BNP file finds the bank account where the bank equals “BNP Paribas” and ignores any bank accounts where Bank equals “Rabobank”.
  • There will only be 1 BNP Paribas bank account for the manning office, and it will always match the payroll currency (EUR).

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Payments dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the Draft menu item.
  5. Apply any relevant filters such as:
    1.  Company
    2. Currency
    3. From Date
    4. To Date
  6. Click on the relevant Draft Name.
  7. From the dropdown menu, select the Bank file format (BNP (Sepa) Credit Transfer - Bank File).
  8. Click Generate bank file.

Validate the bank file and ensure the creditor and debtor information has been included.



  • The following changes have been made to the FS5 report:
    • The Telephone Number field can be left blank, it is not mandatory. The validation on the telephone number can also be removed.
    • The Fax Number can be left blank, it is not mandatory. The validation on the fax number can also be removed.
    • Section C | Gross Emoluments & Total Gross emoluments: The rounding logic is applied on the total.
    • Section D | Social Security Contributions and Total Due to the commissioner: This figure should not be rounded.
      • The 2 boxes on the right-hand side are for the cents (2 decimal places).
      • The total will never go above the box limit which is 9,999,999.99.
      • The numbers should be shown to the right of the boxes not the left.
    • Section E | Total Payment:
      • The 2 boxes on the right-hand side are for the cents (2 decimal places).
      • The total will never go above the box limit which is 9,999,999.99.
      • The numbers should be shown to the right of the boxes not the left.
    • The numbers within the boxes have been centred. All fields where number boxes are not filled, the completed boxes should start from the right instead of left.


The calculation of taxes in Malta falls outside the capabilities of the Compas system; however, reporting is feasible.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Malta payroll dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the FS5 report menu item.
  5. In the Year dropdown menu, select the year and click Download.



  • The ability to set up the tax jurisdiction on a vessel basis has been added.
  • This means when a master user adds the tax jurisdiction (by selecting the date from and date to), the system auto fills the tax jurisdiction (as per the set up).

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Vessels dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Vessels details menu item.


  • Validation: The same period cannot be overlapped with a different tax jurisdiction. This means in a selected period, only 1 single tax jurisdiction can be set up.

🛠️Bug Fixes


  • Issue:
    • When generating a bank file, the system produces a file name with 2 unexpected dots.
    • The affected banks files were:
      • DNB Bank Norway SEPA Bank File
      • DNB Bank Norway Cross Border Bank File
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Payments dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the Draft menu item.
  5. Apply any relevant filters such as:
    1.  Company
    2. Currency
    3. From Date
    4. To Date
  6. Click on the relevant Draft Name.
  7. From the dropdown menu, select the Bank file format (DNB SEPA Credit Transfer (PNB - USD).
  8. Click Generate bank file.

Now, when opening the file, the name has been produced correctly (without the 2 unexpected dots appearing).



  • Issue:
    • When trying to initiate and complete an e-signature workflow, the screen freezes and a 504-gateway time out error appears.
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
  2. Click on the Crew dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Crew list menu item.
  4. Click on the required CID.
  5. Click on the Service tab.
  6. Click on the Contracts tab.
  7. Click Add contract or click the pen icon on an existing contract to edit.
  8. From the Paid by dropdown menu, select an option.
  9. Click Save.



  • Issue:
    • In the Crew module, when trying to approve an application, an error appears.
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into the Crew Application.
  2. To the left of the ID column, click the tick icon to approve.
  3. From the Company Rank dropdown menu, select an option.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Navigate to Postman.
  6. Call the endpoints in "POST" method to check error report while approving Crew application module.

Now, when approving, no error message appears.



  • Issue:
    • When the “Vacant” filter is applied with a date range selected (e.g. 14Sep2024-17Sep2024), the system loads the result with cabin that are occupied on selected date range.
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Onboard.
  2. Click on the Home dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Cabin allocation menu item.
  4. Click on the Occupancy Status dropdown menu.
  5. Click on the Vacant menu item.
  6. Select the From and To date.
  7. Click Search.



  • Issue:
    • On the “Cabin Allocation” page, the “Search” button does not function correctly. Also, when checking the “Assign cabin” page, the CID is not included in the DDL. 
  • Outcome:
    • This issue has been fixed.


Ensure you have added the hotel plan to see in the cabin allocation,

  1. Log into COMPAS Onboard.
  2. Click on the Home dropdown menu.
  3. Click the Hotel Plan menu item.
  4. Right click on the relevant deck.
  5. Click the Add new cabin menu item.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Log into COMPAS Onboard.
  2. Click on the Home dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Cabin allocation menu item.
  4. When entering the crew CID or name into the Crew: search bar and clicking the magnifying glass, the entry appears as expected in the row.
  5. Drag to select the allocation for required dates.
  6. Select the crew name.
  7. Click on Save.


We appreciate your continued partnership and welcome any feedback you have on this latest update. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

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