We are pleased to announce Compas Maintenance Version 36.8.1. This includes a series of enhancements and bug fixes aimed at improving efficacy and functionality.
- All the developments and fixes detailed in the release notes are implemented across all customer environments. However, depending on your company's settings and permissions, certain features may not be accessible or relevant.
- If new features and tables are introduced for onboard applications, they may be exclusive to the onboard cloud.
🎉Enhancements and New Features
🛠️Bug Fixes
- Issue:
- The payslip template works successfully for crew who are not assigned to a payroll group. However, if you then choose to assign a payroll group and make no other changes, the header of the payslip (standard & simplified) does not appear.
- Outcome:
- This issue has been fixed.
Reproduction steps:
- Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office).
- Click on the Payroll dropdown menu.
- Click on the Payroll overview menu item.
- Search for the relevant payroll group.
- Click on the green View Payroll icon.
- Search for the relevant CID and check the box in the Details column.
- Click on the Generate report dropdown menu and select Payslip or Simplified Payslip.
- Click Generate.
The standard payslip or simplified payslip is generated successfully with the correct header and footer information.
- Issue:
- The following budget data sync issues were present due to large values added.
- Issue 1: StandardManningVessel: logged with the error “Input string was not in a correct format.”
- Issue 2: WageMatrixRevisionValue: logged with the error “Arithmetic overflow error converting money to data type numeric.”
- Issue 3: When clicking the Edit button next to the Budget details title, an error appears.
- The following budget data sync issues were present due to large values added.
- Outcome:
- This issue has been fixed.
- Change the branch for respective PRs in CompasSql.sln and Budget.sln.
- Build both the CompasSql.sln and Budget.sln.
- Ensure the budgetdb schema has been updated for User - Defined Table Type. (Note: When comparing db schema, select target as budget database.)
- Before testing, create a new vessel and update the vessel code with at least 1 character or alpha numeric value in the vessel code. (Note: As confirmed with the PO Vessel code, this cannot be updated from the UI. This is because it is a system generated code and will have to be updated from the backend or the database.)
Reproduction steps:
Part 1
- Open the recurring hangfire page: https://local.compas.com/hangfire/recurring.
- Select the checkbox for BudgetDataSyncJob.
- Click Trigger now.
Part 2
- Log into COMPAS Cloud (Office). (Ensure you are logged in as Admin.)
- Click on the Vessels dropdown menu.
- Click on the Budget dropdown menu.
- Click on the Budget list menu item.
- Click on the + Add icon to add a new budget.
- Note: Add the budget to the newly created Vessel.
- Complete the relevant fields.
- Click Save. This action returns to the Budget details page.
- Click the Crew Complement & Currencies tab.
- Click the expand arrow on the relevant entry and click the pen Edit icon.
- Add the Nationality record under Rank for which large value/amount is added in the Wage matrix revision.
- Note: While adding the Nationality record, select the Wage matrix revision for which large value/amount is added for allowances.
- Complete any additional fields such as Nationality, CBA, or Cost element matrix.
- Click Update.
- Click + Add new rank.
- Complete relevant fields.
- Click Submit.
- Click on the Wage Elements tab. Verify the fields and figures.
- Click on the Cost Elements tab.
- Complete relevant fields.
- Click Update.
- Click on the Occurrences tab.
- Complete relevant fields.
- Click Update.
- Click x Exit to close.
- Click Budget Summary tab to verify the fields and summary amounts.
The page can now open successfully with large amounts present rather than errors appearing.
Additionally, you can now click Edit without an error appearing.
We appreciate your continued partnership and welcome any feedback you have on this latest update. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team.
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