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Custom Reports

In Compas, this feature can be found through: Admin | System | Custom Reports.

The Custom Reports functionality in Compas allows the customers to see and run outputs from the custom reports that have been previously setup.

Compas can generate custom reports based on parameters indicated by the customer.

The setup of these reports is exclusively under the responsibility of Ocean Technologies and access will not be granted to customers as the built of these requirements implies links between different fields and libraries within the Compas database.


Setting Up New a Custom Report

Once the crew consultant has compiled the requirements from the customer, the crew consultant will check with the support team to confirm if the report can be built directly on docwiz or if there is a need for developer's assistance in generating the query to pull the necessary data. In the first case, the support team will be able to generate the template; in the latter case, a creation of a PBI is required to create the necessary query by the specific team.

Once the query/queries is/are ready, the support team will build the template as required. Once the Report is ready, the query will be set as unpublished.

Editing the Custom Reports

Once the user clicks on Custom Reports under the Admin Panel, Compas will showcase the list of available current custom reports in the system, together with the Category, Subcategory and “Published” status.

The Category and Subcategory will determine the location where the customer will be able to generate the report from. dc301a7c-0aa5-4035-9537-e38003db7907.png

To Edit any of the available listed reports, the user should click on the pen icon besides the name of the report that needs to be edited. Once the window opens, there are some fields that can be edited, as follows:


  • Name of the report as it will be displayed in Compas
  • Title - a description of the respective report
  • Category or where the template will be visible. The standard possibilities are as follows:
    • Admin
    • Competency Management
    • Crew
    • Directories
    • Insurance
    • Payroll
    • Projects
    • Rigs
    • Services
    • System
    • Training
    • Travel ticketing
  • Subcategory - Report is the only static option
  • Sequence -
  • Drop down specifying the versions of the report. Customers can also see which version of the report is published and can be used/viewed.
  • Toolbar:
    • New Version - will open the report to carry on changes as required.
    • NB: Clicking “New Version” will immediately generate a new version of the template
    • View - will generate a sample of the report
    • Edit -
    • Delete - will remove the version of the report appearing in the drop down.
    • Un-publish - will remove the report from Compas front end.
    • Publish - will bring the changes to the front end
    • Export - allows to download the report to be used
    • Save - will save the changes made to the report version edited

The editing of the reports may be performed by any Ocean Technologies user with access to the functionality.

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