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Downloading the Latest Ocean Software Kit

Each quarter, OTG releases a new version of the Ocean Software Kit. The Ocean Software Kit contains the latest Ocean Learning Platform, a new service pack, and updated e-learning content. 

The kit can be used for:

  • New installation of Ocean Learning Platform on own hardware.
  • Update of Ocean Learning Platform on own hardware or hardware delivered by Ocean Technologies Group.

To download the Ocean Software Kit:

  1. Click HERE. 2024.Q3.1 (163.31 GB)
  2. Log in with the password "support".
  3. Download all files from the list below or use RAR download (to download all in one package). You can also use the FTP download.
  4. After downloading all of the files, run the .exe file to extract all files. The password for the extraction is "support". Note: Remember to copy also hidden files/folders.
  5. To run the software kit after download start the exe file in the root folder. (Run it either from HDD or USB.)

Related articles:

Ocean Learning Platform installation

Updating OLP Application and Contents


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